Tina Cohen-Chang, portrayed by Jenna Ushkowitz, has the most unique fashion personality on the show. Even her maturity through fashion was fascinating and unique.
Chang began the show a shy stutterer, later admitting the stutter was put on to keep people at bay. Chang stayed mostly in the background, having only a few solos throughout her three years at McKinley High. Her main storyline featuring longtime boyfriend Mike Chang – who she fell in love with at Asian Camp the summer after first season. Though Chang is going back for her final year, Mike has graduated and their relationship is currently uncertain.
Chang started out the show as the resident punk, throughout first season she became even darker, transforming herself into a goth. In season two her style became victorian goth, wearing brighter neutrals and lace. While the look is still bold, she became more feminine. By season three, Chang’s look had evolved again. She added colour to her wardrobe and gained a sixties mod feel. While she kept in touches of her older styles, the newest look showed her growth and adaptation.
Plaid pants, arm socks and combat boots scream punk. Chang uses her hard style to keep people away. Though the look is mostly black, the plaid pants and beanie add colour and interest. Having a printed t-shirt or even a band shirt gives this outfit personality, instead of keeping it neutral. Also, jazzing it up a bit with a necklace – like the flying skull – brings in a little glamour. Just because she is a punk doesn’t mean she lacks style.
This look showcases the victorian goth part of Chang’s personality. The high collar, long sleeves and lace show the delicate side of Chang while the large, hard belt shows that she is still the strong person people are used to. Adding lace-y oxfords ties in the lace of the rest of the outfit while accentuating the contrast between the white and black.
This last look transforms Chang’s gothic, punk style into a mod look. By adding colour to her palette she shows she is experimenting and expanding her style. The shift dress is very sixties, and by adding a brooch she references her victorian style. The incredible vicorian boots also show that she can mix and match her previous styles with her new one.
Also, don’t forget to vote on what you think my next Get The Look series should be. If there is a movie or television show you don’t see here, comment below and we’ll add it to the list.
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