Rachel Berry, portrayed by Lea Michele, is the strong-headed, ambitious, original member of McKinley High’s glee group New Directions. Berry is the stereotypical broadway diva – she is loud, has a killer voice, and demands attention. Berry’s strong personality forces her on the outside of the group, and in the beginning the others find her hard to get along with.
Berry was raised by her two dads Hiram and Leroy Berry. Her fathers spoiled her, and through this praise Berry becomes very confident. She dreams of becoming a star on broadway and nothing will get in her way. Throughout the seasons she becomes more considerate of others, dates and becomes engaged to her dream boy Finn and is accepted to a leading drama college NYADA (New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts).
Rachel Berry has incredible solos and showcases her powerful voice as much as she can. Some of her best include: “On My Own” from Les Miserables, “Don’t Rain On My Parade” from Funny Girl, “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” from Evita and “Cry” by Kelly Clarkson.
Berry’s style evolves throughout the show. In the beginning she was very youthful and dressed like a school girl. By the end of her high school career her style veers into more retro and professional attire. This does not mean she gives up her quirky sweaters and continues to add her own personal touches to her style.